Vibhav Vijay Anand

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Vibhav Vijay Anand is 11 years old (as of 2021 when his first book was published by I Am An Author). He studies in Geethanjali Vidyalaya in Class 6. He is always curious to learn new things such as about inventing apps, using AI in different areas and so on. He loves to write stories, play the guitar and keyboard. He also goes for Taekwondo and Cricket classes and has won a few medals and awards. He is passionate about music, especially Hindustani Classical Music. He also loves to travel, having travelled quite widely across India and abroad, and is a foodie, loving to taste different types of cuisines. He now lives in Bengaluru. Vibhav has written this book with love for his readers. He hopes they like it and is also awaiting for their feedback and constructive criticism about the book.